If you think this blog is exciting you should go and visit our rivals NO2EU - YES TO DEMOCRACY and "Keep up to date with Bob Crow's blog..."

"It’s not every day I agree to head up a new left-wing electoral alliance to stand in the European elections but it was decision not taken lightly."

I'm Vivian Bolus! Who am I? I’m a dying breed, I’m afraid… basically I’m a Marxist tequila-slurping, drug-ingesting, fucking angry, gonzoid-monkey, Investigative Reporter.
EMOCRACY have asked me to head up the Workers Investigation into the Assassination attempt on Bob Tit. Bob is still in a coma:

Everything about this Investigation will take place out in the open, in the full public gaze. No stone will be left unturned. Anita Halpin is the Chief Suspect. But there are Others. Close readers of this blog will have noticed this comment posted after we revealed there had been an attempt on Bob Tit's life:
"This is an outrage!
Bob was a renegade, but nevertheless this is a Whodunnit for the whole British Left!
This is on a par with Ian Donavan being clobbered by the Sparts!
We need a full Workers Investigative Team!
Fully Democratic!
And on instant recall!
I suggest me, John, Ben, Anne, Tina and A.N Other
Let's get to the bottom of this and fat!
Mark F
p.s Oh & + Marcus, because he can can do the International thing via Australia blah-de-blah..."
Vivian Bolus can reveal the truth! Mark F is in fact MARK FISHFINGER of the dubiously entitled CPGB (Provisional). He is their National Organisor - a bit like the Personal Organisor you've got somewhere on your mobile, but can never be bothered to use or even to find.
Mark Fishfinger was the first to suggest a Workers Investigation. And as such is a suspect. Within the British Labour Movement there is a proud tradition...Like farts, for Us the same applies - 'Whoever smelt it, dealt it!'
So, Vivian Bolus wants to know - Where was Mark Fishfinger when Bob Tit was being violently attacked? Mark Fishfinger - You Have 24 hours to answer for yourself. Your silence will only speak volumes Comrade - And how many volumes are there Comrade Fishfinger in Lenin's Collected Works? 40?


  1. Volume 1 1893 —1894
    Volume 2 1895—1897
    Volume 3 The Development of Capitalism in Russia.
    Volume 4 1898—1901
    Volume 5 1901—1902
    Volume 6 1902—1903
    Volume 7 1903—1904
    Volume 8 January—July 1905
    Volume 9 June—November 1905
    Volume 10 November 1905—June 1906
    Volume 11 June 1906—January 1907
    Volume 12 January-June 1907
    Volume 13 June 1907—April 1908
    Volume 14 Materialism and Empirio-Criticism.
    Volume 15 March 1908—August 1909
    Volume 16 September 1909—December 1910
    Volume 17 1910—1912
    Volume 18 1912—July 1913
    Volume 19 1913
    Volume 20 December 1913—August 1914
    Volume 21 August 1914—December 1915
    Volume 22 December 1915—July 1916
    Volume 23 August 1916—March 1917
    Volume 24 April —May 1917
    Volume 25 June —September 1917
    Volume 26 September 1917—February 1918
    Volume 27 February—July 1918
    Volume 28 July 1918—March 1919
    Volume 29 March—August 1919
    Volume 30 September 1919—April 1920
    Volume 31 April—December 1920
    Volume 32 December 1920—August 1921
    Volume 33 August 1921—March 1923
    Volume 34 Letters, 1895—1911
    Volume 35 Letters, 1912—1922
    Volume 36 Letters, etc., 1900—1923
    Volume 37 Letters to Relatives, 1893—1922
    Volume 38 Philosophical Notebooks.
    Volume 39 10 of 22 Notebooks on Imperialism. DW
    Volume 40 0 of 45 Notebooks on the Agarian Question. DW
    Volume 41 1896—1917
    Volume 42 1917—1923
    Volume 43 Letters, etc., 1893—1917
    Volume 44 Letters, etc., 1917—1920
    Volume 45 Letters, etc., 1920—1923

  2. Vladimir Ilyich Lenin
    Conspectus of Hegel’s
    Science of Logic —
    Book II (Essence)

    Note: Quoted text and page numbers—i.e., (66)—indicate links to passages in Hegel’s Science of Logic
    and to Hegel’s Encyclopaedia of the Philosophical Sciences in Outline, also known as the Shorter Logic.

    Book Two:

    Volume IV. (Berlin, 1834) Part I.
    Objective Logic. Book II. The Doctrine
    of Essence


    “The truth of Being is Essence.” (3) [1]
    Such is the first sentence, sounding thor-
    oughly idealistic and mystical. But
    immediately afterwards, a fresh wind,

    so to speak, begins to blow: “Being is the
    immediate. Knowledge seeks to understand
    that truth[2] which Being, in and for
    itself, is, and therefore it does not halt”
    (does not halt NB) “at the imme-

    diate and its determinations, but pene-
    trates (NB) through (NB) it, assum-
    ing that behind (Hegel’s italics) this Being
    there is something other than Being itself,
    and that this background constitutes the
    truth of Being. This cognition is mediated
    knowledge, for it is not lodged immedi-
    ately. with and in Essence, but begins at
    an Other, at Being, and has to make a pre-

    liminary passage, the passage of transition
    beyond Being, or rather of entrance into

    This Bewegung,[3] the path of knowl-
    edge, seems to be the “activity of cognition”
    (Tätligkeit des Erkennens) “external to Be-

    “However, this movement is the move-
    ment of Being itself.”

    “Essence ... is what it is ... by virtue
    of its own infinite movement of Being.”(4)

    “Absolute Essence has no Determinate
    Being. Into this, however, it must pass.”(5)

    Essence stands midway between Being
    and the Notion, as the transition to the No-
    tion (=Absolute).

    Subdivisions of Essence: Semblance or
    Show (Schein), Appearance (Erscheinung),
    Actuality (Wirlichkeit).

    Das Wesentliche und das Unwesentli-
    che.[4] (8) Der Schein. (9)

    In the unessential, in Semblance, there
    is a moment of not-Being. (10)

    i.e., the unessential, seeming, super-
    ficial, vanishes more often, does not hold
    so “tightly,” does not “sit so firmly” as
    as “Essence.” Etwa[5]: the movement
    of a river—the foam above and the deep
    currents below. But even the
    foam is an expression of essence!

    Semblance and scepticism, Kantianism,
    “Semblance then is the phenomenon of
    scepticism; or again the appearance of ideal-
    ism, such an immediacy, which is neither
    Something nor Thing, and, generally, is
    not an indifferent Being which could be
    outside its determinateness and relation
    to the subject. Scepticism did not dare to

    affirm ‘it is’; modern idealism did not
    dare to regard cognition as a knowledge
    of the Thing-in-itself; with the former,

    Semblance was supposed to have no basis
    at all in any Being; with the latter, the
    Thing-in-itself was supposed incapable of
    entering into cognition. But at the same

    time scepticism admitted manifold deter-

    minations of its Semblance, or rather its
    Semblance had for content all the manifold
    riches of the world. In the same manner
    the appearance of idealism comprehends
    the whole range of these manifold determi-

    You include in Schein[6] all the wealth
    of the world and you deny the objectivity
    of Schein!!

    Semblance and appearance are immediate-
    ly determined so diversely. The content
    may then have no basis in any Being nor in
    any thing nor Thing-in-itself; for itself it
    remains as it is: it has only been translated
    from being into Semblance; thus Semblance
    contains these manifold determinatenesses,

    which are immediate, existent and recip-
    rocally other. Semblance itself is, then,
    immediately determinate. It may have this
    or that content; but whatever content it
    has is not posited by itself but belongs to it
    immediately. The idealism of Leibnitz,
    the imme-
    diacy of

    Kant or Fichte, like any other form of ideal-
    ism, did not reach beyond Being as deter-
    minateness, beyond this immediacy any
    more than scepticism. Scepticism allows
    they did not go

    the content “that which is immediately
    given”!! of its Semblance to be given
    to it; for it, it is immediate, whatever con-
    tent it is to have. The monad of Leibnitz
    develops its presentations out of itself;
    but it is no creative and connecting force,—
    the presentations arise in it like bubbles;
    they are indifferent and immediate rela-
    tive to one another, and therefore to the

    monad itself. Similarly Kant’s phenomenon
    is a given content of perception; it presup-
    poses affections, determinations of the sub-
    cf. Machism!!

    ject which are immediate to one another
    and to the subject. The infinite limitation
    or check of Fichte's idealism refuses per-
    haps, to be based on any Thing-in_itself,
    so that it becomes purely a determinate-
    ness in the Ego. But this determinateness
    is immediate and a limit to the Ego, which,
    transcending its externality, incorporates
    it; and though the Ego can pass beyond
    the limit, the latter has in it an aspect
    of indifference by virtue of which it
    contains an immediate not-Being of
    the Ego, though itself contained in the
    Ego.” (10-11)

    ...“Determinations which distinguish it”
    (den Schein) “from Essence are deter-
    minations of Essence....” (12)

    ...“It is the immediacy of not-Being
    which constitutes Semblance; in Essence,
    Being is not-Being. Its nullity in itself is the
    negative nature of Essence itself....” (12)
    Semblance =
    the negative
    nature of

    ...“These two moments thus constitute
    Semblance: Nullity, which however persists,
    and Being, which however is Moment; or
    again negativity which is in itself, and
    reflected immediacy. Consequently these
    moments are the moments of Essence it-

    “Semblance is Essence itself in the deter-
    minateness of Being....” (12-13)

    Semblance is (1) nothing, non-exis-
    tent (Nichtigkeit) which
    —(2) Being as moment

    “Thus Semblance is Essence itself, but
    Essence in a determinateness, and this in
    such a manner that determinateness is only
    its moment: Essence is the showing of it-
    self in itself.” (14)

    That which shows itself is essence in
    one of its determinations, in one of its
    aspects, in one of its moments. Essence
    seems to be just that. Semblance is the
    showing (Scheinen) of essence itself in

    ...“Essence ... contains Semblance within
    itself, as infinite internal movement....” (14)

    ...“In this its self-movement Essence is
    Reflection. Semblance is the same as Re-
    flection.” (14)

    Semblance (that which shows itself)
    is the Reflection of Essence in (it)

    ...“Becoming in Essence—its reflective
    movement—is hence the movement from
    Nothing to Nothing and through Nothing
    back to itself....” (15)

    This is shrewd and profound. Move-
    ments “to nothing” occur in nature and
    in life. Only there are certainly none
    “from nothing.” Always from something.

    “Commonly Reflection is taken in the
    subjective meaning of the movement of
    judgment which passes beyond a given im-
    mediate presentation, seeking universal de-
    terminations for it or comparing them with,
    it.” (21) (Quotation from Kant—Critique
    of the Power of Judgment[7]).... “Here,
    however, neither the reflection of conscious-
    ness nor the more determinate reflection of
    understanding, which has the particular and
    the universal for its determinations, is in
    question, but only Reflection in general....”

    Thus here too, Hegel charges Kant
    with subjectivism. This NB. Hegel is
    for the “objective validity” (sit venia
    verbo[8]) of Semblance, “of that which
    is immediately given” [the expression
    “that which is given” is gener-
    ally used by Hegel, and here see p. 21
    i.f.; p. 22]. The more petty philosophers
    dispute whether essence or that which
    is immediately given should be taken
    as basis (Kant, Hume, all the Machists).
    Instead of o r, Hegel puts and, explain-
    ing the concrete content of this “and.”

    “Die Reflexion is the showing of Essence
    into itself” (27) (translation? Reflectivity?
    Reflective determination? Рефлексия is
    not suitable).[9]

    “It” (das Wesen) “is a movement through
    different moments, absolute self-media-
    tion....” (27)
    Identity — Difference — Contradiction
    (+Gegensatz[10]) (Ground)...
    ( in particular )
    ( antithesis )

    Therefore Hegel elucidates the one-sided-
    ness, the incorrectness of the “law of iden-
    tity” (A = A), of the category (all determi-
    nations of that which is are categories—
    pp. 27-28).

    “If everything is self-identical it is not
    distinguished: it contains no opposition
    and has no ground.” (29)

    “Essence is ... simple self-identity.” (30)

    Ordinary thinking places resemblance and
    difference next to (“daneben”) each other,
    not understanding “this movement of
    transition of one of these determinations
    into the other” (31)

    And again, against the law of identity
    (A = A): its adherents

    “since they cling to this rigid Identity
    which as its opposite in Variety, they do
    not see that they are thereby making it
    into a one-sided determinateness, which
    as such as no truth.” (33)

    terms under-
    lined by me

    (“Empty tautology”: 32)

    “It contains only formal truth,
    which is abstract and incomplete.” (33)

    Kinds of reflection: external, etc.; ex-
    pounded very obscurely.

    The principles of difference: “All things
    are different....” “A is also not A....” (44)

    “There are no two things which are en-
    tirely alike....”

    There is a difference in one or another
    aspect (Seite), Rücksicht, etc. “insofern,”[11]

    bien dit!!

    “The customary tenderness for things,
    whose only care 1s that they shall not
    contradict one another, forgets here as else-
    where that this is no solution of the contra-
    diction, which is merely planted elsewhere,
    namely, into subjective or external re-
    flection; and that the latter does in fact
    contain the two moments—which thi re-
    moval and transplantation proclaim to be
    a mere positedness—in one unity as tran-
    scended and related to each other.”(47)

    (This irony is exquisite! “Tenderness”
    for nature and history (among the philis-
    tines)—the endeavour to cleanse them from
    contradictions and struggle....)

    The result of the addition of plus and mi-
    nus is nought. “The result of contradiction
    is not only nought.” (59)

    The solution of the contradiction, the re-
    duction of positive and negative to “only
    determinations” (61) converts Essence (das
    Wesen) into Ground (Grund) (ibidem).

    ...“Resolved Contradiction is, then,
    Grund, that is, Essence as unity of Positive
    and Negative....” (62)

    “Even a slight experience in reflective
    thought will perceive that, if anything has
    just been determined as Positive, it straight-
    way turns into Negative if any progress
    is made from that base, and conversely
    that a Negative determination turns into
    Positive; that reflective thought becomes
    confused in these determinations and con-
    tradicts itself. Insufficient acquaintance
    with the nature of these determinations
    leads to the conclusion that this confusion
    is a fault which should not occur, and
    attributes it to a subjective error. And
    in fact this transition does remain mere

    confusion insofar as the necessity for this
    metamorphosis is not present to
    consciousness.“ (63)

    ...“The opposition of Positive and Nega-
    tive is especially taken in the meaning
    that the former (although etymologically
    it expresses being posited or positedness)
    is to be an objective entity, and the latter
    subjective, belonging only to external
    reflection and in no way concerned with
    the objective, which is in and for itself
    and quite ignores it.” (64) “And indeed if
    the Negative expresses nothing but the
    abstraction af subjective caprice....” (then
    it, this Negative, does not exist “für das
    objective Positive”[12])....

    Truth, too, is the Positive, as knowl-
    edge, corresponding with its object but
    it is this self-equality only insofar as
    knowledge has already taken up a negative
    attitude to the Other, has penetrated the
    object, and transcended that negation which
    the object is. Error is a Positive, as an
    opinion affirming that which is not in
    Truth and

    and for itself, an opinion which knows

    itself and asserts itself. But ignorance is
    either indifference to truth and error, and
    thus determined neither as positive nor as
    negative,—and if it is determined as a de-
    that which
    is in and for

    ficiency, this determinatian belongs to ex-
    ternal reflection; or else, objectively and
    as proper determinatian af a nature, it
    is the impulse which is directed against
    itself, a negative which contains a positive
    direction.—It is of the greatest impor-
    tance to recognise this nature af the Deter-
    minations af Reflection which have been
    considered here, that their truth consists
    only in their relation to each other, and
    therefore in the fact that each contains the
    other in its own concept. This must be
    understood and remembered, far without
    this understanding not a step can really
    be taken in philosophy.” (65-66) This
    from the Note 1.————

    Note 2. “The Law of the Excluded Middle”

    Hegel quotes this proposition af the ex-
    cluded middle. “Something is either A or
    not A; there is no third” (66) and “anal-
    yses” it. If it implies that “alles ein
    Entgegengesetztes ist,”[13] that everything
    has its positive and its negative determi-
    nation, then it is all right. But if it is
    understood as it is generally understood,
    that, of all predicates, either a given
    one, or its not-Being, applies, then this
    is a “triviality”!! Spirit ... sweet, not sweet?
    green, not green? The determination should
    lead to determinateness, but in this triv-
    iality it leads to nothing.

    And then—Hegel says wittily—it is
    said that there is no third. There is a third
    in this thesis itself. A itself is the third, for
    A can be both + A and - A. “The Some-
    thing thus is itself the third term which
    was supposed to be excluded.” (67)

    This is shrewd and correct. Every con-
    crete thing, every concrete something,
    stands in multifarious and often con-
    tradictory relations to everything else,
    ergo it is itself and some other.

    Note 3 (at the end of Chapter 2, Sec-
    tion 1 of Book II of the Logic). “the
    Law of Contradiction.”

    “If now the primary Determinations of
    Reflection—Identity, Variety and Oppo-
    sition—are established in a proposition,
    then the determination into which they
    pass over as into their truth (namely Con-
    tradiction) should much more so be com-
    prehended and expressed in a proposition:
    all things are contradicto-
    ry in themselves, in this meaning,

    that this proposition as opposed to the
    others expresses much better the truth
    and essence of things.—Contradiction,

    which emerges in Opposition, is no more
    than developed Nothing; and this is already
    contained in Identity, and occurred in the
    expression that the law of identity states
    nothing. This negation further determines
    itself into Variety and into Opposition,
    which now is posited Contradiction.

    “But it has been a fundamental prejudice
    of hitherto existing logic and of ordinary
    imagination that Contradiction is a deter-
    mination having less essence and immanence
    than Identity; but indeed, if there were

    any question of rank, and the two deter-
    minations had to be fixed as separate, Cont-
    radiction would have to be taken as the
    more profound and more fully essential.

    For as opposed to it Identity is only the
    determination of simple immediacy, or

    of dead Being, while Contradiction is the
    rood of all movement and vitality,
    and it is only insofar as it contains a Con-
    tradiction that anything moves and
    has impulse and activity.

    “Ordinarily Contradiction is removed,

    first of all from things, from the existent
    and the true in general; and it is asserted
    that there is nothing contradictory. Next
    it is shifted into subjective reflection,
    which alone is said to posit it by relat-

    ing and comparing it. But really it does
    not exist even in this reflection, for it is
    impossible to imagine or to think anything
    contradictory. Indeed, Contradiction, both
    in actuality and in thinking reflection, is
    considered an accident, a kind of abnormal-
    ity or paroxysm of sickness which will soon
    pass away.

    “With regard to the assertion that Con-
    tradiction does not exist, that it is non-
    existent, we may disregard this statement.
    In every experience thete must be an ab-
    solute determination of Essence—in every
    actuality as well as in every concept.
    The same remark has already been made
    above, under Infinity, which is Contradic-
    tion as it appears in the sphere of Being.
    But ordinary experience itself declares that
    at least there are a number of contradic-
    tory things, arrangements and so forth, the
    contradiction being present in them and
    not merely in an external reflection. But
    it must further not be taken only as an
    abnormality which occurs just here and

    there; it is the Negative in its essential
    determination, the principle all self-

    movement, which consists of nothing else
    but an exhibition of Contradiction. Exter-

    nal, sensible motion is itself its immediate
    existence. Something moves, not because
    it is here at one point of time and there
    at another, but because at one and the
    same point of time it is here and not here,
    and in this here both is and is not. We
    must grant the old dialecticians the contra-
    dictions which they prove in motion; but
    what follows is not that there is no mo-
    tion, but rather that motion is existent
    Contradiction itself.

    “And similarly internal self-movement
    proper, or impulse in general (the appe-
    titive force or nisus of the monad, the en-
    telechy of absolutely simple Essence), is
    nothing else than the fact that something is
    in itself and is also the deficiency or the neg-
    ative of itself, inbne and the same respect.
    Abstract self-identity has no vi-
    tality but the fact that Positive in itself
    is negativity causes it to pass outside itself

    and to change. Something therefore is
    living only insofar as it contains Contra-
    diction, and is that force which can both

    comprehend and endure Contradiction. But

    if an existent something cannot in its pos-
    itive determination also encroach on its
    negative, cannot hold fast the one in the
    other and contain Contradiction within it-
    self, then it is not living unity, or Ground,
    but perishes in Contradiction. Speculative

    thought consists only in this, that thought
    holds fast Contradiction and itself in Con-
    tradiction and not in that it allows itself
    to be dominated by it—as happens to imag-
    ination—or suffers its determinations to be
    resolved into others, or into Nothing.”

    Movement and “self-movement” (this
    NB! arbitrary (independent), spon-
    taneous, internally-necessary movement),
    “change,” “movement and vitality,” “the
    principle of all self-movement,” “impulse”
    (Trieb) to “movement” and to “activity”—
    the opposite to “dead Being”—who
    would believe that this is the core of “He-
    gelianism,” of abstract and abstrusen (pon-
    derous, absurd?) Hegelianism?? This core
    had to be discovered, understood, hin-
    überretten,[14] laid bare, refined, which is
    precisely what Marx and Engels did.

    The idea of universal movement and
    change (1813 Logic) was conjectured before
    its application to life and society. In regard
    to society it was proclaimed earlier (1847)
    than it was demonstrated in application
    to man (1859).[15]

    “In movement, impulse, and the like,

    the simplicity of these determinations con-
    ceals the contradiction from imagination;
    but this contradiction immediately stands
    revealed in the determinations of relation.

    The most trivial examples—above and be-
    low, right and left, father and son, and so
    on without end—all contain Contradiction
    in one term. That is above which is not
    below; ‘above’ is determined only as not
    being ‘below,’ and is only insofar as there
    is a ‘below,’ and conversely: one deter-
    mination implies its opposite. Father is
    the Other of son, and son of father, and
    each exists only as this Other of the other;
    and also the one determination exists only
    in relation to the other: their Being is one

    ”Thus although Imagination everywhere
    has Contradiction for content, it never
    becomes aware of it; it remains an external
    reflection, which passes from Likeness to
    Unlikeness, or from negative relation to
    intro-reflectedness of the different terms.

    It keeps these two determinations external
    to each other, and has in mind only these
    and not their transition, which is the es-
    sential matter and contains the Contradic-

    tion.—On the other hand, intelligent reflec-
    tion, if we may mention this here, consists
    in the understanding and enunciating of
    Contradiction. It does not express the con-
    cept of things and their relations, and has
    only determinations of imagination for ma-
    terial and content; but still it relates them,
    and the relation contains their contradic-
    tion, allowing their concept to show through
    the contradiction.—Thinking Reason, on
    the other hand, sharpens (so to speak)
    the blunt difference of Variety, the mere
    manifold of imagination, into essential
    difference, that is, Opposition. The mani-
    fold entities acquire activity and vitality
    in relation to one another only when driven
    on to the sharp point of Contradiction;
    thence they draw negativity, which is the
    inherent pulsation of self-movement and
    vitality....” (70-71)

    (1) Ordinary imagination grasps dif-
    ference and contradiction, but not the
    transition from one to the other,
    this however is the most
    (2) Intelligence and understanding.
    Intelligence grasps contradiction,
    enunciates it, brings things into rela-
    tion with one another, allows the
    “concept to show through the contra-
    diction,” but does not express the
    concept of things and their relations.
    (3) Thinking reason (understanding)
    sharpens the blunt difference of vari-
    ety, the mere manifold of imagination,
    into essential difference, into opposi-
    tion. Only when raised to the peak of
    contradiction, do the manifold enti-
    ties become active (regasm) and lively
    in relation to one another,—they re-
    ceive[16] acquire that negativity which
    is the inherent pulsation
    of self-movement and

    Der Grund—(ground)
    (1) Absolute Ground—die Grundlage (the
    foundation). “Form and Matter.” “Con-
    (2) Determinate Ground (as the ground
    [for] a determinate content)

    Its transition to Conditioning Media-
    die bedingende Vermittelung

    (3) The Thing-in-Itself (transition to Exis-
    tence). Note."The Law of Ground"

    Customary proposition: “Everything has
    its sufficient Ground.”

    “In general this just means that what is
    must be considered not as an existent im-
    mediate, but as a posited entity. We must
    not remain at immediate Determinate Be-
    ing or at determinateness in general, but
    must pass back to its Ground....”(76)
    It is superfluous to add: sufficient Ground.
    What is insufficient, is not Ground.

    Leibnitz, who made the law of sufficient
    ground the basis of his philosophy, un-
    derstood more profoundly. “Leib-
    nitz especially opposed the sufficiency of
    Ground to causality in its strict
    meaning of mechanical efficacy.”
    (76) He looked for “Beziehung” der Ursach-
    en[17] (77),——“the whole as essential unity.”

    He looked for ends, but teleology
    does not belong here, according to
    Hegel, but to the doctrine of the No-

    ...“The question cannot therefore be
    asked, how Form is added to Essence; for
    Form is only the showing of Essence in
    itself—it is its own immanent (sic!) Re-
    flection....” (81)

    Form is essential. Essence is
    formed. In one way or another also in
    dependence on Essence....

    Essence as formless identity (of itself
    with itself) becomes matter. (82)

    “...It” (die Materie[18]) “is the real foun-
    dation or substratum of Form....”(82)

    “If abstraction is made from every de-
    termination and Form of a Something,
    indeterminate Matter remains. Matter is
    a pure abstract. (—Matter cannot be seen
    or felt, etc.—what is seen or felt is a de-
    terminate Matter, that is, a unity of Matter
    and Form).” (82)

    Matter is not the Ground of Form, but
    the unity of Ground and Grounded. (83)
    Matter is the passive, Form is the active
    (tätiges). “Matter must be formed,
    and Form must materialise itself....” (84)

    Now this, which appears as the activity
    of Form, is equally the proper movement
    of Matter itself....” (85-86)

    ...“Both—the activity of Form and the
    movement of Matter—are the same.... Mat-
    ter is determined as such or necessarily has
    a Form; and Form is simply material,
    persistent Form.” (86)

    Note: “Formal Method of Explanation
    from Tautological Grounds”

    Very often, Hegel says, especially in the
    physical sciences, “Grounds” are explained
    tautologically: the movement of the earth
    is explained by the “attractive force” of
    the sun. And what then is attractive force?
    It is also movement!! (92) Empty tautol-
    ogy: why does this man go to town? Be-
    cause of the attractive force of the town!
    (93) It also happens in science that at first
    molecules, the ether, “electrical matter”
    (95-96), etc., are put forward as “ground,”
    and then it turns out “that they” (these con-
    cepts) “are determinations deduced from
    that for which they are meant to be the
    grounds—hypotheses and figments derived
    by an uncritical reflection....” (96) Or it is
    said that “we do not know the inner nature
    itself of these forces and classes of matter...”
    (96) then there remains indeed Nothing to
    “explain,” but one must simply limit one-
    self to the facts....

    Der reale Grund[19]... is not tautology,
    but already “some other determination of
    Content.” (97)

    On the question of “Ground” (Grund),
    Hegel remarks inter alia:
    “If it is said of Nature that it is the
    ground of the world, then what is called
    Nature is identical with the world, and
    the world is nothing but Nature itself.”
    (100) On the other hand, “if Nature is to
    be the world, a manifold of determinations
    is added externally....”

    Since everything has “mehere”—“Inhalts-
    bestimmungen, Verhältnisse und Rücksich-
    ten,”[20] so any number of arguments for
    and against can be put forward. (103)
    That is what Socrates and Plato called
    sophistry. Such arguments do not contain
    “the whole extent of the thing,” they do not
    “exhaust” it (in the sense “of constituting its
    connections” and “containing all” its sides).

    The transition of Ground (Grund) into
    condition (Bedingung).

    If I am not mistaken, there is much
    mysticism and leeres[21] pedantry in
    these conclusions of Hegel, but the basic
    idea is one of genius: that of the univer-
    sal, all-sided vital connection of every-
    thing with everything and the reflec-
    tion of this connection—materialistiisch
    auf den Kopf gestellter Hegel[22]
    human concepts, which must likewise
    be hewn, treated, flexible, mobile, rel-
    ative, mutually connected, united in
    opposites, in order to embrace the world.
    Continuation of the work of Hegel and
    Marx must consist in the dialec-
    tical elaboration of the history of hu-
    man thought, science and technique.

    A river and the drops in this river.
    The position of every drop, its relation
    to the others; its connection with the
    others; the direction of its movement;
    its speed; the line of the movement—
    straight, curved, circular, etc.—upwards,
    downwards. The sum of the movement.
    Concepts, as registration of individual
    aspects of the movement, of individ-
    ual drops (=“things”), of individual
    “streams,” etc. There you have à peu
    près[24] the picture of the world according
    to Hegel’s Logic,—of course minus God
    and the Absolute.
    And purely
    Das fällt
    It must
    coincide, as
    induction and
    deduction in


    The word
    “moment” is
    often used
    by Hegel in
    the sense of
    moment of
    of concate-

    “When all the conditions of a thing are
    present, it enters into existence....” (116)

    Very Good! What has the Absolute
    Idea and idealism to do with it?

    Amusing, this “derivation” of . . . exis-


    The first phrase: “Essence must appear....”
    (119) The appearance of Essence is (1)
    Existenz (Thing); (2) Appearance (Erschei-
    nung). (“Appearance is what the Thing
    is in itself, or its truth” “The intro-
    reflected self-existent world stands opposed
    to the world of Appearance....“ (120) (3)
    Verhältnis (relation) and Actuality.

    Incidentally: “Demonstration in general
    is mediated cognition....” (121)

    ...“The various kinds of Being demand
    or contain their own kind of mediation;
    consequently the nature of demonstration
    too is different for each.......” (121)

    And again ... on the existence of
    God!! This wretched God, as soon as
    the word existence is mentioned, he
    takes offence.

    Existence differs from Being by its medi-
    ation (Vermittlung: 124) [?By concrete-
    ness and Connection?]

    ...“The Thing-in-itself and its medi-
    ated Being are both contained in Existence,
    and each is an Existence; the Thing-in-it-
    self exists and is the essential Existence
    of the Thing, while mediated Being is its
    unessential Existence....” (125)

    The Thing-in-itself is related to
    Being as the essential to the non-

    ...“The latter” (Ding-an-sich) “is not sup-
    posed to contain in itself any determinate
    multiplicity, and consequently obtains this
    only when brought under external reflec-
    tion, but remains indifferent to it. (—The
    Thing-in-itself has colour only in relation
    to the eye, smell in relation to the nose,
    and so forth.)...” (126)

    ...“A Thing has the Property of effecting
    this or that in an Other, and of disclosing
    itself in a peculiar manner in its relation
    to it....” (129) “The Thing-in-itself thus
    exists essentially....” (131)

    The Note deals with “The Thing-in-itself
    of Transcendental Idealism....”

    ...“The Thing-in-itself as such is no more
    than the empty abstraction from all deter-
    minateness, of which it is admitted that
    nothing can be known just because it is
    meant to be the abstraction from all deter-

    Transcendental idealism ... places “all
    determinateness of things (both with regard
    to form and to content) in consciousness...”
    (131) “accordingly, from this point of view,
    it falls within me, the subject, that I see
    the leaves of a tree not as black but as
    green, the sun as round and not as square,
    and taste sugar as sweet and not as bit-
    ter; that I determine the first and second
    strokes of a clock as successive and not as
    simultaneous, and determine the first to be
    neither the cause nor the effect of the
    second, and so forth” (131).... Hegel further
    makes the reservation that he has here
    investigated only the question of the
    Thing-in-itself and “äußerliche Refle-

    “The essential inadequacy of the stand-
    point at which this philosophy halts con-
    sists in this, that it clings to the abstract
    Thing-in-itself as to an ultimate determi-
    nation; it opposes Reflection, or the deter-
    minateness and multiplicity of the Prop-
    erties, to the Thing-in-itself; while in
    fact the Thing-in-itself essentially has this
    External Reflection in itself, and deter-
    mines itself as an entity endowed with its
    proper determinations, or Properties; whence
    it is seen that the abstraction of the Thing,
    which makes it pure Thing-in-itself, is an
    untrue determination.” (132)
    the core =
    against sub-
    jectivism and
    the split
    between the
    itself and

    ...“Many different Things are in essen-
    tial Reciprocal Action by virtue of their
    Properties; Property is this very recipro-
    cal relation, and apart from it the Thing
    is nothing....” (133)

    Die Dingheit[26] passes over into Eigen-
    schaft.[27] (134) Eigenschaft into “matter”
    or “Stoff”[28] (“things consist of sub-
    stance”), etc.

    “Appearance at this point is Essence
    in its Existence....” (144) “Appearance ...
    is the unity of semblance and Existence....”

    Unity in appearances: “This unity is the
    Law of Appearance. Law therefore is the
    positive element in the mediation of the
    Apparent.” (148)
    law (of

    |Here in general utter obscurity.
    But there is a vital thought, evident-
    ly: the concept of law is one of the
    stages of cognition by man of
    unity and connection, of the recip-
    rocal dependence and totality of the
    world process. The “treatment” and
    “twisting” of words and concepts to
    which Hegel devotes himself here is
    a struggle against making the con-
    cept of law absolute, against simplify-
    ing it, against making a fetish of it.
    NB for modern physics!!!|

    “This enduring persistence which belongs
    to Appearance in Law....” (149)
    NB ||
    Law ||
    is the endur-
    ing (the
    persisting) in

    ...“Law is the Reflection of Appearance
    into identity with itself.” (149) (Law is
    the identical in appearances: “the Reflection
    of Appearance into identity with itself.”)
    (Law is the
    identical in

    ...“This identity, the foundation of Ap-
    pearance, which constitutes Law, is the
    peculiar moment of Appearance....” (150)

    Hence Law is not beyond Appearance,
    but is immediately present in it; the realm
    of Laws is the quiescent (Hegel’s italics)
    reflection of the existing or appearing
    world....” (150)
    Law = the
    reflection of
    appearances NB

    This is remarkably materialistic
    and remarkably appropriate (with
    the word “ruhige”[29]) determination.
    Law takes the quiescent—and there-
    fore law, every law, is narrow, in-
    complete, approximate.

    “Existence passes back into Law as into
    its Ground; Appearance contains them
    both—simple Ground and the dissolving
    movement of the appearing universe, of
    which Ground is the essentiality.”
    “Hence law is essential appearance.”
    Law is

    Ergo, law and essence are concepts
    of the same kind (of the same order),
    or rather, of the same degree, expressing
    the deepening of man’s knowledge of
    phenomena, the world, etc.

    The movement of the universe in ap-
    pearances, (Bewegung des erscheinenden
    Universums), in the essentiality of this
    movement, is law.
    (Law is the
    reflection of
    the essential
    in the move-

    “The realm of Laws is the quies-
    cent content of Appearance; Appearance
    is this same content, but presents itself
    in unquiet change and as Reflection into
    other.... Appearance, therefore, as against
    ment of the
    ((law = part))

    Law is the totalisy, for it contains Law,
    but also more, namely the moment
    of self-moving Form.” (151)
    is richer
    than law)

    But further on, although unclearly,
    it is admitted, it seems, p. 154,
    that law can make up for this Man-
    gel[30] and embrace both the negative
    side and the Totalität der Erschei-
    nung[31] (especially 154 i. f.). Re-
    turn to this!

    The World in and for itself is identical
    with the World of Appearances, but at the
    same time it is opposite to it. (158) What
    is positive in the one is negative in the
    other. What is evil in the World of Appear-
    ances is good in the world which is in and
    for itself. Cf.—Hegel says here—The Phe-
    nomenology of Mind, p. 121 et seq.

    “The Appearing and the Essential World
    are each ... the independent whole of Exis-
    tence. One was to have been only reflected
    Existence, and the other only immediate
    Existence; but each continues itself in
    the other, and consequently in itself is the
    identity of these two moments.... Both
    in the first instance are independent, but
    they are independent only as totalities,
    and they are this insofar as each essentially
    has in itself the moment of the other....”

    The essence here is that both the
    world of appearances and the world in
    itself are moments of man’s knowledge
    of nature, stages, alterations or deepen-
    ings (of knowledge). The shifting of
    the world in itself further and further
    from the world of appearances—that is
    what is so far still not to be seen in Hegel.
    N B. Have not Hegel’s “moments” of
    the concept the significance of “mo-
    ments” of transition?

    ...“Thus Law is Essential
    Relation.” (160) (Hegel’s italics)

    ( Law is relation. This N B for the
    Machists and other agnostics, and for the
    Kantians, etc. Relation of essences or be-
    tween essences. )

    “The term world expresses the formless
    totality of multifariousness....” (160)

    And the third chapter (“Essential Rela-
    tion”) begins with the proposition: “The
    truth of Appearance is Essential Relation....”

    The relation of Whole to Parts;
    this relation passes into the following one
    (sic!! (p. 168)):—of Force to its Man-
    ifestation;—of Inner to Outer.—
    The transition to Substance, Actu-

    ...“The truth of the relation consists,
    then, in mediation....” (167)

    “Transition” to Force: “Force is the neg-
    ative unity into which the contradiction
    of Whole and Parts has resolved itself; it
    is the truth of that first Relation.”

    ((This is one of 1,000 similar passages
    in Hegel, which arouse the fury of naïve
    philosophers like Pearson, the author of The
    Grammar of Science.[32]—He quotes a
    similar passage and exclaims in fury: What
    a galimatias is being taught in our schools!!
    And in a certain limited sense he is right.
    To teach that is stupid. One must first of all
    extract the materialistic dialectics from
    it. Nine-tenths of it, however, is chaff,

    Force makes its appearance as “belong-
    ing” (als angehörig) (171) ”to the existing
    Thing or Matter....” “When therefore it is
    asked how the Thing or Matter comes to
    have a Force, then the Force appears as
    connected with it externally, and impressed
    on the Thing by an alien power.” (171)

    ...“This is apparent in all natural,
    scientific, and, in general,
    intellectual development;

    and it is essential to understand that the First,
    when as yet Something is internal, or in
    its concept, is, for this reason, only its
    immediate and passive existence....” (181)

    The beginning of everything can
    be regarded as inner—passive—and
    at the same time as outer.
    But what is interesting here is
    not that, but something else: Hegel’s
    criterion of dialectics that has acci-
    dentally slipped in: “in all nat-
    ural, scientific and in-
    tellectual development”:
    here we have a grain of profound
    truth in the mystical integument of

    Example: the germ of a man, says Hegel,
    is only internal man, dem Anderssein Preis-
    gegebenes,[33] the passive. Gott[34] at first
    is not yet Spirit. “Immediately,
    therefore, God is only Nature.”
    (This is also characteristic!!)
    Down with
    Gott, there


    ...“Actuality is the unity of Essence and

    Subdivisions: 1) “The Absolute”—
    2) Actuality proper. “Actuality, Possibil-
    ity and Necessity constitute the formal
    moments of the Absolute.” 3) “Absolute
    Relation”: Substance.[37]

    “In it itself” (dem Absoluten) “there is
    no Becoming” (187)—and other nonsense about
    the Absolute....

    The Absolute is the absolute Absolute...

    The Attribute is a relative Absolute...

    In a “note” Hegel speaks (all too gener-
    ally and obscurely) of the defects of the
    philosophy of Spinoza and Leibnitz.

    Inter alia note:
    “The one-sidedness of one philosophic
    principle is generally faced by its opposite
    one-sidedness, and, as everywhere, totality
    at least is found as a dispersed complete-
    ness” (197)
    usually: from
    one extreme
    to the other
    totality =(in
    the shape of)

    Actuality is higher than Being, and
    higher than Existence.

    (1) Being is Imme-
    diate “Being is not
    yet actual.” (200)
    It passes into other.
    (2) Existence (it
    passes into Ap-
    pearance) —arises out of Ground,
    out of Conditions,
    but it still lacks the
    unity of “Relfection
    and immediacy.”
    (3) Actuality unity of Existence
    and Being-in-self

    ...“Actuality also stands higher than Exis-
    tence” (200)....

    ...“Real Necessity is a relation which
    is full of content”.... “But this Necessity is
    at the same time relative....” (211)

    “Absolute Necessity then is the truth
    into which Actuality and Possibility in
    general pass back, as well as Formal and
    Real Necessity.” (215)


    (End of Volume II of the Logic, the Doc-
    trine of Essence)...

    It is to be noted that in the small Logic
    (the Encyclopaedia)[39] the same thing is
    expounded very often more clearly, with
    concrete examples. Cf. idem Engels and
    Kuno Fischer.[40]

    On the question of “possibility,” Hegel
    notes the emptiness of this category and
    says in the Encyclopaedia:
    “Whether a thing is possible or impossible
    depends on the content, i.e., on the sum-
    total of the moments of Actuality which in
    its unfolding discloses itself to be Ne-
    cessity.” (Encyclopaedia, Vol. VI, p. 287,[41]
    § 143, Addendum.)

    “The sum-total, the en-
    tirety of the moments of
    Actuality, which, in its unfold-
    ing discloses itself to be Necessity.”
    The unfolding of the sum-total of
    the moments of actuality N B = the
    essence of dialectical cognition.

    Cf. In the same Encyclopaedia, Vol. VI,
    p. 289, the eloquent words on the vanity of
    mere delight at the wealth and flux of the
    phenomena of nature and on the neces-

    ...“of advancing to a closer insight into
    the inner harmony and uniformity
    of nature....” (289) (Closeness
    to materialism.)

    Ibidem Encyclopaedia, p. 292: “Devel-
    oped Actuality, as the coincident alternation
    of Inner and Outer, the alternation of their
    opposite motions combined in a single
    motion, is Necessity.”

    Encyclopaedia, Vol. VI, p. 294:
    ...“Necessity is blind only insofar as it
    is not understood....”

    Ibidem, p. 295 “it happens to him” (dem
    Menschen[42])... “that from his activity there
    arises something quite different from what
    he had meant and willed....”

    Ibidem, p. 301 “Substance is an essen-
    tial stage in the Process of
    development of the Idea....”

    Read: an important stage in the proc-
    ess of development of human knowl-
    edge of nature and matter.

    Logik,[43] Vol. IV

    ...“It” (die Substanz) “is the Being in all
    Being....” (220)[44]

    The Relation of Substantiality passes
    over into the Relation of Causality. (223)

    ...“Substance attains ... Actuality only
    when it has become Cause....” (225).

    On the one hand, knowledge of mat-
    ter must be deepened to knowledge (to
    the concept) of Substance in order to
    find the causes of phenomena. On the
    other hand, the actual cognition of the
    cause is the deepening of knowledge
    from the externality of phenomena to
    the Substance. Two types of examples
    should explain this: 1) from the his-
    tory of natural science, and 2) from the
    history of philosophy. More exactly:
    it is not “examples” that should be
    here—comparison n’est pas raison,[45]—
    but the quintessence of the history of
    both the one and the other + the his-
    tory of technique.

    ...“Effect contains nothing whatever which
    Cause does not contain...” (226) und um-

    Cause and effect, ergo, are merely mo-
    ments of universal reciprocal dependence,
    of (universal) connection, of the recip-
    rocal concatenation of events, merely
    links in the chain of the development
    of matter.

    “It is the same fact which displays itself
    first as Cause and then as Effect,—here as
    peculiar persistence and there as posited-
    ness or determination in an Other.” (227)

    The all-sidedness and all-embrac-
    ing character of the interconnection
    of the world, which is only one-
    sidedly, fragmentarily amd incom-
    pletely expressed by causality.

    “But we may here and now observe that,
    insofar as the relation of cause and effect
    is admitted (although in an improper sense),
    effect cannot be greater than cause; for
    effect is nothing further than the manifes-
    tation of cause.” (230)

    And further about history. Hegel says
    that it is customary in history to quote
    anecdotes as the minor “causes” of major
    events—in fact they are only occasions,
    only äußere Erregung,[47] which “the inner
    in history
    “minor causes
    of major

    spirit of the event would not have required.”
    (230) “Consequently, these arabesques of
    history, where a huge shape is depicted as
    growing from a slender stalk, are a spright-
    ly but a most superficial treatment.” (Ibi-

    This “inner spirit”—c.f. Plekhanov[48]—
    is an idealistic, mystical, but a very
    profound indication of the historical
    causes of events. Hegel subsumes his-
    tory completely under causality and un-
    derstands causality a thousand times
    more profoundly and richly than the
    multitude of “savants” nowadays.

    “Thus a stone in motion is cause; its
    movement is a determination which it has,
    while besides this it contains many other
    determinations of colour, shape, and so
    on, which do not enter into its causal na-
    ture.” (232)

    Causality, as usually understood by
    us, is only a small particle of universal
    interconnection, but (a materialist ex-
    tension) a particle not of the subjective,
    but of the objectively real intercon-

    “But the movement of the Determi-
    nate Relation of Causality has now
    resulted in this, that the cause is not
    merely extinguished in the effect, and
    with it the effect too (as happens in Formal
    Causality),—but the cause in its extinction,
    in the effect, becomes again; that effect
    vanishes into cause, but equally becomes
    again in it. Each of these determinations
    cancels itself in its positing and posits it-
    self in its cancellation; what takes place
    is not an external transition of causality
    from one substratum to another, but this
    its becoming other is at the same time
    its own positing. Causality, then, presup-
    poses or conditions itself.” (235)

    “The movement of the relation of cau-
    sality” = in fact: the movement of mat-
    ter, respective the movement of history,
    grasped, mastered in its inner connec-
    tion up to one or other degree of breadth
    or depth....

    “At this point Reciprocity presents itself
    as a reciprocal causality of presupposed
    substances conditioning each other; each
    is, in relation to the other, at once active
    and passive substance.” (240)

    “In Reciprocity, original Causality pre-
    sents itself as an arising out of its negation
    (or passivity) and as a passing away into
    it—as a Becoming....

    “Necessity and Causality have, then,
    vanished in it; they contain both the imme-
    diate identity (as connection and relation)
    and relation”

    and the absolute substantiality of dis-

    tincts, and therefore their absolute con-
    tingency,—the original unity of substan-
    tial variety, hence absolute contradiction.
    Necessity is Being, because it is;—the self-
    “unity of sub-
    stance in the

    unity of Being, which has itself for ground;
    but, conversely, because it has a ground,

    it is not Being, it is nothing whatever but
    Semblance, relation or mediation. Cau-
    sality is this posited transition of original
    Being, or cause, into Semblance or mere

    positedness, and conversely of positedness
    into originality; but the identity itself
    of Being and Semblance is, still, inner Ne-
    cessity. This internality (or Being-in-Self)
    transcends the movement of Causality; and
    concurrently, the substantiality of the sides

    which are in relation is lost—Necessity
    reveals itself. Necessity does not become
    Freedom because it vanishes, but only
    because its identity (as yet an inner iden-
    tity) is manifested.” (241-242)
    necessity does
    not disap-
    pear, when it

    When one reads Hegel on causality,
    it appears strange at first glance that
    he dwells so relatively lightly on this
    theme, beloved of the Kantians. Why?
    Because, indeed, for him causality is
    only one of the determinations of univer-
    sal connection, which he had already
    covered earlier, in his entire exposition,
    much more deeply and all-sidedly; al-
    ways and from the very outset empha-
    sising this connection, the reciprocal
    transitions, etc., etc. It would be very
    instructive to compare the “birth-
    pangs” of neo-empiricism (respective
    “physical idealism”) with the solutions
    of rather with the dialectical method
    of Hegel.

    It is to be noted also that in the Ency-
    clopaedia Hegel stresses the inadequacy
    and emptiness of the bare concept of “re-
    ciprocal action.”

    Vol. VI, p. 308 [49]:
    “Reciprocity is undoubtedly the proxi-
    mate truth of the relation of cause and
    effect, and stands, so to say, on the thresh-
    old of the Notion, nevertheless, precisely
    on this account one should not rest con-
    tent with applying this relation, insofar
    as it is a matter of, conceptual cognition.

    If one gets no further than considering
    a given content merely from the point of
    view of reciprocity, then such an atti-
    tude is in fact quite without concept; it is
    city” =

    then merely a matter of a dry fact, and

    the requirement of mediation, which is
    the point of immediate concern in apply-
    ing the relation of causality, still remains
    the require-
    ment of med-
    iation, (of

    unsatisfied. On closer examination, the
    deficiency in the application of the rela-
    tion of reciprocal action is seen to be that
    this relation, instead of being the equiva-
    lent of the Notion, has itself to be grasped
    first of all. And this occurs through its
    that is the
    point at issue
    in applying
    the relation
    of causality

    two sides not being left as an immediate
    datum but, as was shown in the two pre-
    ceding paragraphs, being recognised as mo-
    ments of a third, higher determination,
    which is precisely the Notion. If, for
    example, we regard the customs of the
    Spartans as the effect of their constitu-
    tion, and the latter, conversely, as the
    effect of their customs, such a view may

    perhaps be correct, but it is a conception
    that. gives no final satisfaction, because in
    point of fact it enables neither the con-
    stitution nor the customs of this people


    to be understood. Such understanding can
    only come about when these two aspects,
    and likewise all the other special aspects
    of the life and the history of the Spartans
    are recognised to be grounded in this
    Notion.” (308-309)
    all the “spe-
    cial aspects”
    of the whole

    — — — — —
    At the end of the second volume of the
    Logic, Vol. VI, p. 243, in the transition
    to the “Notion,” the determination is given:
    “the Notion, the realm of Subjectivity, or
    of Freedom....”

    NB Freedom = Subjectivity
    End, Consciousness, Endeavour


    [1] Hegel, Werke, Bd. IV, Berlin, 1834.—Ed.

    [2] Incidentally. Hegel more than once pokes fun at [cf. the passages cited above on gradualness] the word (and the concept) erklären (explanation), obviously opposing to the metaphysical solution once for all (“it has been explained”!!) the eternal process of cognition penetrating deeper and deeper. Cf. Volume III, p. 463: “can be cognised or, as they say, explained.”—Ed.

    [3] movement—Ed.

    [4] The Essential and the Unessential.—Ed.

    [5] approximately.—Ed.

    [6] Semblance or Show—Ed.

    [7] The refernece is to Die Kritik der Urteilskraft by Kant.

    [8] If it may be called that—Ed.

    [9] Variants of the translation of the German word “die Reflexion” into Russian are given within the parentheses.—Ed.

    [10] The word Gegensatz is crossed out in the MS.—Ed.

    [11] consideration, etc., “insofar as,” etc.—Ed.

    [12] “for the objective positive”—Ed.

    [13] “everything is the term of an opposition”—Ed.

    [14] rescued—Ed.

    [15] Lenin is referring to the appearance of the following three works: Hegel’s Science of Logic (the first two books were published in 1812 and 1813, respectively); Marx and Engels’ Manifesto of the Communist Party (written at the end of 1847 and published in February 1848); and Darwin’s Origin of Species (published in 1859).

    [16] The word “receive” is crossed out in the MS.—Ed.

    [17] “relation” of causes—Ed.

    [18] matter—Ed.

    [19] real Ground—Ed.

    [20] “multiple”—“content determinations, relations and considerations”—Ed.

    [21] empty—Ed.

    [22] Hegel materialistically turned upside down—Ed.

    [23] It coincides.—Ed.

    [24] approximately—Ed.

    [25] “external reflection”—Ed.

    [26] thinghood—Ed.

    [27] property—Ed.

    [28] “substance”—Ed.

    [29] “quiescent”—Ed.

    [30] deficiency—Ed.

    [31] Totality of Appearance—Ed.

    [32] The reference is to K. Pearson’s work The Grammar of Science, London, 1892.

    [33] something given up to otherness—Ed.

    [34] God—Ed.

    [35] “links up” to this—Ed.

    [36] nature—Ed.

    [37] Here Lenin’s manuscript gives the list of chapters of Section III: 1) “The Absolute”; 2) “Actuality”; 3) “The Absolute Relation.”—Ed.

    [38] At this point Lenin’s manuscript continues in a new notebook.—Ed.

    [39] The reference is to Enzyklopädie der philosophischen Wissenschaften im Grundrisse. Hegel, Werke, Bd. 6, Berlin, 1840 (Encyclopaedia of the Philosophical Sciences in Outline, Hegel, Works, Vol. 6, Berlin, 1840). “Logic” constitutes Part I of the Encyclopaedia and is referred to by Lenin as “small” to distinguish it from the “large” Science of Logic, which consists of three volumes.

    [40] Lenin is referring to remarks by Engels on Hegel’s Encyclopaedia. See Engels’ letter to Marx dated September 21, 1874. Also see Engels’ letter to Conrad Schmidt dated November 1, 1891 (Marx and Engels, Selected Correspondence, Moscow, 1955, pp. 519-520).
    Kuno Fischer—a German bourgeois historian of philosophy and the author of The History of Modern Philosophy, one of whose volumes (Vol. 8) is devoted to Hegel.

    [41] Hegel, Werke, Bd. VI, Berlin, 1840.—Ed.

    [42] to man.—Ed.

    [43] Logic—Ed.

    [44] Hegel, Werke, Bd. IV, Berlin, 1834.—Ed.

    [45] comparison is not proof—Ed.

    [46] and vice versa—Ed.

    [47] external stimulus—Ed.

    [48] See G. Plekhanov, “For the Sixtieth Anniversary of Hegel’s Death,” (Selected Philosophical Works, Vol. I, Moscow, 1960).

    [49] Hegel, Werke, Bd. VI, Berlin, 1840.—Ed.

    [50] “notion”—Ed.

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  3. I know a man whose fingers really are made out of fish. In this case, trout.

    Cuthbert Mingoulin
