If you think this blog is exciting you should go and visit our rivals NO2EU - YES TO DEMOCRACY and "Keep up to date with Bob Crow's blog..."

"It’s not every day I agree to head up a new left-wing electoral alliance to stand in the European elections but it was decision not taken lightly."

Ah. The ghosts.

The office has emptied of solid comrades, matter melts & things can speak now...

And YES AND no...once again it is, it must only be, time 2:

Regroup. Rethink. Downsize.

The 2 words I remember during Bob repeating during Bob repeating during Bob's infamous "Shit-Sky Away-Day" was, were, lets get this straight -

Sober reassessment

And in no way is this a sign-off

Lend us something


  1. Bye bye Bob and may flights of angels sing thee to thy sleep...
