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"It’s not every day I agree to head up a new left-wing electoral alliance to stand in the European elections but it was decision not taken lightly."

News! V Big News!
Bob Tit is Back!
Bob Tit returned to the beloved Isle of his birth sometime in the last 48 hours after being borne out to sea on a freak bore of ullage. Indomitable as ever, full of surprises and amongst the up-most secrecy, Bob went straight into the studio at the bottom of Ken Loach's garden with Britain's Got Talent hot favourite Susan Boyle!
Bob says: "When I was away, so far gone in Gay Paree, I read Michel Pablo and became v interested in tailism, entryism, fetishism, whips & collars etc, I think. And Britain's Got Talent was a constant inspiration to me! A reminder of my more innocent homeland - repressed, stultifying, mediocre, sentimental, nationalistic twaddle...and especially Susan Boyle.
I contacted Susan as soon as I got back. I knew she was the one and sure enough she is not without a modicum of sympathy for the devil the broad outline of NO2EU - NO 2 DEMOCRACY. Susan told me - "Did you sae you'll give me a pony for doing it? Well, we've got enough of them already up here in West Lothian...This is a nae bonny telephonic reception...Have I ever done what with a pony?!! No sir, that is not the dream I dreamt!!!"
Ladies & Gentlemen, We Give You -
Bob Tit & Susan Boyle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. The Britain that we all keep in mind on or after our formative years can be attractively recreated if only we leave out those blood-spattered foreigners.
    vietnam dong
