If you think this blog is exciting you should go and visit our rivals NO2EU - YES TO DEMOCRACY and "Keep up to date with Bob Crow's blog..."

"It’s not every day I agree to head up a new left-wing electoral alliance to stand in the European elections but it was decision not taken lightly."

There have been sightings of Bob!
They're flooding in.
But like poor baby Madeleine how can we be sure they are the real Bob Tit?
Unlike J. V Stalin's scientifically proven work 'Marxism and the National Question', there's no way of verifying the data.
Even if it is Bob, someone may have tampered with his mind, he may never be the same again, he may in fact become a totally different person!
Enough of these dystopian, crudely anti-doctrinal ruminations...
You decide - Bob Tit or not Bot Tit, that is the question!
#1 - This arrived at the NO2EU - NO 2 DEMOCRACY HQ this morning on a memory stick, signed - Royston Bull:

1 comment:

  1. I find your infantile and sick portayal of Royston Bull deeply offensive and unkind. Illuminating however in that it exposes you as a shallow and self-regarding creep. Please keep your ill thought-through jeering to yourself in future and pass a moments thought for how his young family feel about such a vile 'prank'.

    Jane Douglas (Roy's partner up until his death in January 2005)
